This is the first time I've done Tara's Gallery, since my brain curdles when confronted with anything more difficult than cut and paste. This week's theme is Children so I couldn't resist. And it seems to boil down to cut and paste so I hope I've managed it.

I've chosen this picture of my children, out of very many, since it is pretty much relationship defining. T14 (then T12) is eye-wateringly long-suffering and F12 (then F10) is kinda demanding. Will he even endure being photographed with a normal face on? Nope. T14 would casually pose for weeks.
Love 'em.
I'm also tardy in thanking the very lovely Lesley Ninnes for sending me 2 of her gorgeous prints and a few beautiful postcards. She's one clever thing and I feel very grateful and lucky for having won her recent give-away. She lives and works in Cornwall so obviously one has to dislike her a bit, but otherwise her site is well worth a trip.
Haha! Love your boys and their expressions.
Welcome to The Gallery - I love chipping in with photos and rummaging around other people's albums: it's a fab way to find other bloggers; some you instantly gel with.
Brilliant photo, Milla. Such a great expression and description!!
CJ x
The eldest child is always the ground breaker; life's pioneer, no-one's back to ride upon. Slog, slog, slog. Eldest children should be given medals at birth and a rebate on all their future taxes. And then think of all that inheriting they have to do later on and the responsibilities they have to acquire with it. Pater familias and all that, rounding up the lost sheep and preserving the ageing parents from distress. You are obviously training him well, Milla, to carry the burdens of life lightly.
Haha great photo - I'm sure they have a great relationship!
great photo, great post. enjoy the gallery! lovely to find you.
Oh Milla, every family always has someone who gurns at the site of a lens. In my family unfortunately that is me.
You should see my wedding photographs, dress by Vera Wang, face by Les Dawson.
Lovely pic, they have good hair.
it's berridon by the way. cant remember my password again and cannot bear that type in the box malarky
Thanks for the mention Milla. Love the pic of your boys, taken at such an enjoyable age. I was always the one captured with mouth wide open!! x
What a team you have there Milla, lovely photo
It really could be titled 'Birth Order - a Study'. Love it.
Fantastic photo, Milla - and love that they're so different. Treasure every moment - I'm sure you do.
Hi Milla.!
What dear boys.! great photo Milla, thanks for sharing with us. Love the expressions.
Gorgeous kids. Love your descriptions of them too.
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